The Weekend Australian of July 21/22 reports these findings from a survey undertaken by specialist recruitment firm Robert Walters:

  • 31% of job candidates see the salary package as the most important aspect of a job offer,
  • 31% put the cultural fit first ("the way we do things here"),
  • 26% see career progression as most important,
  • 9% the company brand or reputation and
  • 3% how the recruitment process was managed.

In the course of doing lifestyle review sessions for clients, I have been struck by the number and diversity of emotional reasons why people work, factors far deeper than simply the money and what it can buy. The fascinating part is that such emotional factors don't just drive their work choices, they drive their lifestyle choices - irrespective of whether or not they are in the workforce.  

Some of the reasons expressed by clients include:
  • A sense of belonging
  • Acknowledgement by others of myabilities
  • Being part of something bigger than me
  • Challenges
  • Commitment to a purpose
  • Decision making / Autonomy
  • Dignity
  • Impact on others
  • Learning and professional development
  • Maintaining connection / interaction with like-minded other people
  • Making a contribution to others
  • Opportunity to be creative
  • Personal space
  • Professional and social friendships
  • Social recognition / status in business and in society
  • Structures my life
  • Thrill of the chase
  • Valuing  my personal abilities and skills
  • Meeting a valued need
  • it keeps me and my mind busy and focused
  • it gets me out of bed with a sense of purpose for the day
  • Self esteem, self belief, self confidence
  • Performance feedback
  • Being supportive beyond my own needs
  • Never want to feel useless 

Which of the above factors relate to you? No doubt you can add others of your own. Just remember they have major importance not only in choosing a job but in every decision that energizes your enjoyment of life.


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