There is little need to speak in support of promoting positive human behaviour. It’s axiomatic to say positive human behaviour opens the mind, body and spirit to being more expressive, enthusiastic, creative, opportunistic, lateral-thinking, aware, receptive, enquiring , motivating…the list goes on.
The issue is more one of how to promote positive human behaviour. My approach is to focus on the features that indicate, create and sustain positive human behaviour. I learned these phases the practical experience of some 40 years working professionally in leisure /recreation planning.
Over those many years I have observed, supported, encouraged and helped develop positive human behaviour in men and women of all ages and from all walks of life. When could human behaviour be more positive than when a person is totally absorbed - “in the zone” some might say - in a passionate interest pursued for no other reason than the intrinsic enjoyment of creating the experience. An experience they have freely chosen, over which they have total control, that creatively expresses their natural talents and develops their unique mix of skills and life experiences. That's the true measure of a leisure/recreation/sporting experience.
From this I have gleaned the presence of five basic features of positive human behaviour. Together they form a process that is consequential and interactive and which can be triggered in any one of the five phases:
- The brain is processing information at a very fast rate, enthusiastically, purposefully questioning in search of answers, creatively and expansively
- There is an energy driving the process, an energy of mind, body and spirit that is felt by other people affected by the experience
- The behaviour engenders high self esteem, self confidence, self belief and a strong sense of self worth
- The experience expands the person’s personal growth and development, widening their horizons and causing their talents, skills and natural potential to blossom and flourish
- the behaviour is infectious, positively affecting people around them.
You can test this theory with your own passionate experiences and those of people you know well.
There is one further test of its validity – in observing the features of negative human behaviour. Again, consequential, interactive and can be triggered by any one of the five phases. This time however the outcomes are negative:
- The mind is sluggish, disinterested and lacking enthusiasm. Findings are vague and inconclusive
- There is little or no mental energy driving the process, even sometimes draining what little energy exists
- Self esteem, self confidence and self belief and the sense of self worth are down and dropping
- The person feels life is stagnating and going backwards.
- The effect is contagious, draining the energy of people around them.
The key trigger is found in the energy phase. The way to find new energy is to switch off from the experiences that are causing the negative behaviour and switch on to another interest totally unconnected with the stresses generating the negative behaviour. Any interest that draws on your unique passions, talents and experiences to create freely-chosen, enjoyable experiences, refreshing the mind, body or spirit. When you lose yourself in an interest you love, you find yourself. The true, inner self is always present, ever-ready to grasp any opportunity to be unlocked, unleashed and allowed to blossom.
Such experiences will lift self esteem, self confidence and self belief. You will feel the tide turning as you regain the energy that drives the positive behaviour process outlined above. It will energize your ability to attack your stresses and problems with renewed energy and enthusiasm.