Fear has been described as an acronym – F.E.A.R. False Expectations Appearing Real. Many working people feel fear when it comes to considering life beyond the age of 60-65.
Been there, done that. Let me assure you I am enjoying life beyond age 65. You can find it every bit as fulfilling as any earlier stage of life. You have so many options – paid or unpaid. It’s much like any other major lifestyle re-think you’ve done before, like when you got married, started a family, quit top sport, or reached any of the big ’0’s.
There’s one big difference. You become entitled to choose living life on your own terms. If that includes paid work, choose your own working terms. Whatever you decide, you owe it to yourself, and to those you love, to enjoy allowing your natural talents, passions and unique potential to continue blossoming. It has the potential to become the best time of your life.
One final tip. You wouldn't leave your financial planning until you needed the money. Start thinking now what 'planning life on your terms' means for you.
Still got fears?